Calumet Run Farm Store
We sell fresh chicken eggs, chicken broilers, and goat meat. We also, sell hay that we grow and harvest. Because the prices for the chicken broilers and goat meat and hay fluctuate and their availability sometimes is determined by the time of the year, it is best to use one of the contact methods below to tell us what you are looking for - you will need to pick your purchase(s) up at the farm.
We accept Cash, PayPal, Venmo and Zelle only.

Free-Range Chicken Eggs
Most Recent Price - $4.50 A Dozen

Duck Eggs
Most Recent Price - $7.00 A Dozen

Chicken Broilers
Most Recent Price - $4.50 Per Lb

Goat Meat
Most Recent Price - $7.50 Per Lb

Grass Hay

Alfalfa Hay
We Sell 1st, 2nd and, If We Can, 3rd Cutting Grass and Alfalfa Hay. We Usually Start Baling Around Memorial Day Weekend And Typically Have Hay Available Until January. Most recent pricing - Grass $8.00 per bale, Alfalfa $9.00 per bale. Minimum order is 25 bales. Cash payment only and must be picked up in Salem, NJ.
Please contact us by phone or by completing and submitting the form below. Let us know what you are interested in purchasing and we will get back to you with availability and current pricing.
If you are viewing our website from your cell phone, the button below will call us for you. Just tap on it and follow the instructions. If you are viewing our website on a desk top computer call 609-820-3827.